Saturday 28 January 2017

Traditionalists Groups in Australia

Recently Mr. Mark Richardson and myself caught up with a young man from Perth and we had a good chat about Traditionalism, life and what each group got up too. It was really good to meet up and to find out that there is now a Traditionalist group in Perth, Western Australia. At this moment there are three Traditionalist groups that I know of in Australia, one in Melbourne, Sydney and now Perth!

Here are the contact details for each:

Of course as I'm the convener of the Melbourne Traditionalists you can just send me an email at uponhopeblog(AT) and we can have a chat. 

Guiding Principles of the Melbourne Traditionalists

1. Loyalty to the Crown of Australia

2. Loyalty to our British and Western heritage

3. Loyalty to the family, Husband and Wife, Mother and Father and their children

4. Opposition to Liberalism, Right Liberalism, Left Liberalism and Feminism

5. Opposition to the destruction of White Australians, opposed to Multiculturalism, Mass Immigration and Diversity.

Upon Hope Blog - A Traditional Conservative Future
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