Tuesday 27 February 2018

Civic Versus Ethno Nationalism

I am an Ethno Nationalist, I believe in my people, I support my people. And my people are my relatives, near and distant, they are related to me by blood. That is not true for a Civic Nationalist, he believes in values, that anyone who shares his values can be his countryman.

The problem with values is that they change. Australia is a Monarchy, does this mean that Republicans are not Australians? Or does it mean that if we become a Republic that Monarchists are not Australian?

I've lost count of how many Prime Ministers I have heard say that Australia is a Multicultural country and that Multiculturalism is an important Australian value. But I do not support it, endorse it or approve of it. Am I still an Australian? Taken to it's logical conclusion, no I am not. Civic Nationalism has not progressed to that point, yet, although it is entirely logical for it go to that point.

You see to the Civic Nationalist your nationality at this point is about getting the paperwork right. You have a birth certificate stating that you were born in Australia, then your an Australian. You have a citizenship certificate stating that your an Australian citizen, then your an Australian. As long as you have the paperwork right then your sweet. Here however is where Civic Nationalism leaves what it believes, which is values, and puts in it's place good administration. For if someone opposes Australian values, the Civic Nationalist still cannot bring himself to react. He may criticize, he may threaten, but doing something means that his position is not as iron tight as he at first thought.

Take for example Australian citizens who have gone to fight with ISIS. Australian military personnel have fought against ISIS, so fighting alongside ISIS means that you are fighting against Australia and her Allies. At worst thats Treason, but since WWII it seems treason is not fashionable, so no one will be charged with that. How about simply renouncing their citizenship?

Ironically I think in this case most Ethno Nationalists would support this, but for Civic Nationalists it raises a whole heap of problems. It might even show their case to be unsupportable. It certainly proves that paperwork is more important then values.

Let me take this one step further to illustrate my point. Let us say that all those who are ethnically French decide to move to Germany, en mass. Now let us also say that all those who are ethnically German decide to move to France, again en mass.

To an Ethno Nationalist the French remain French and the Germans remain Germans.

To a civic Nationalist, the French are now Germans and the Germans are now French., as long as they decided to do the paperwork correctly.

The New York Times would have articles on how French cooking has changed in France, but traces of it can still be found in Germany!

Civic Nationalism is sadly a tool of Liberalism and it all leads to people not having any Nationality. But instead we will all be unique individuals, just like everyone else.

Upon Hope Blog - A Traditional Conservative Future
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Friday 23 February 2018

Friends and the Autonomous Individual

I was going to post on another topic today, but then I saw this article, Schools Consider Banning "Best Friends", please check out the 3 minute video or read the article, it's quite Orwellian. Then I saw that Mark Richardson had posted on another Liberal attack on students, this time at Harvard. And I thought this cannot wait.

I often write about the Autonomous Individual and how they are the endpoint, the goal towards which Liberalism is working. Both of these things, the banning of best friends and the destruction of Fraternities and Sororities is about the same thing. Creating that Autonomous Individual.

When Liberals think of the Autonomous Individual what they think about is an individual who is self made and independent. They are not dependent upon any other person. However what they don't seem to notice is that such a person is completely alone and completely disposable. They have no Race, no ethnicity, no religion, no family, no parents, no children, no husband or wife and no friends. You see the Autonomous Individual cannot have any attachments, attachments mean that they are not really independent. Nothing is allowed to get in the way of their independence, nothing is allowed to get in the way of the autonomy.

Having a best friend is an attachment, it can be a substitute for a romantic relationship. In a truly Liberal society there is no room for love, because love is an attachment, lust should be enough, it better be because it's the only thing your allowed. Lust will end, lust is shallow, the Autonomous Individual is not allowed any attachments so lust is allowed. Friendship is a form of love, not lust, and thats not allowed.

I keep using the word "allowed", if the Autonomous Individual is independent how can they be forced to do anything?

Because the freedom that Liberalism talks about is not freedom from Liberalism. Liberalism is the only philosophy allowed and you will love it, the only love allowed. You will do as society tells you to do, but you will do it freely because you will not be free from Liberalism. And when you complain or rebel, then the government will put you in your place. Because when Liberalism rules and all other social structures have been destroyed, the family, the church, community, nations, marriages, friendship, all destroyed. Then only the government can hope to fulfill the functions that they once performed.

And when that day arrives you will treasure the government, your only parent, your only friend, your only everything. Friendship has no place in a Liberal society. The Autonomous Individual is alone, all alone.

Upon Hope Blog - A Traditional Conservative Future
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Tuesday 20 February 2018

Helping Our Own

When I was growing up I was told that Nepotism was a bad thing. I just looked up the meaning and it says "undue favour shown to relatives, such as by giving them jobs, etc". But what exactly is wrong with giving a relative a job? The most common argument is that jobs should be decided by merit, the best man, or should that be person, for the job. Let me give two examples.

You know the site supervisor at a building site, you introduce your cousin to him to help him get the job, is that wrong?

You know the head of a surgical unit in a major hospital, you introduce your cousin to him to help him get the job, is that wrong?

If your cousin is capable of doing those jobs then I say no it is not wrong. Of course if he is not capable of doing a job, you have not done him a favour, you have instead set him up to fail. Try not to set people up. But if someone is capable, a relative, friend, a neighbour why are we so reluctant to help them out?

Here you can see the work of Liberalism, think of people as individuals, think of people as unattached, atomized, autonomous. Do not think of them as belonging to a group. Do not hire people based on their character, after all you know nothing about their character. Do not hire someone because you have a loyalty to them. Remember that people are disposable. Instead hire them strictly based upon the judgement of someone you don't know. A school or university, a hire company, or an old boss.

Have you ever heard of a Chinese restaurant being taken to court because it had to many Chinese employees? To be honest I think most people would think that is absurd, I tend to agree. But why is it that we hold that view about them but not about our own people?

We need to do a much better job of getting our people jobs. The system is rigged against us and it's not going to officially get any better. So we have to do unofficial things to make it better. I'm not talking about breaking the law. I'm talking about using the law to our advantage. For example many employment laws don't apply to companies or organisations under a certain size, free yourself by finding out what that number is. In many places only advertised jobs need to comply with hiring laws. If thats the case where you live, use your family and other employees to find staff. In fact most jobs are never advertised, use that to your advantage.

If we don't help our own why should anyone else?

Lets start looking after our own.

Upon Hope Blog - A Traditional Conservative Future
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Why Do Children Need Parents

Sunday 11 February 2018

The Fifty-Ninth Month

The past month has not been a good one, which is a bit of an understatement so I'll keep this brief

I had 2,869 visitors in January, my worst day was Australia Day, the 26th January when I had 36 visitors, my best day was yesterday, 10th February when I had 364 visitors.

January- December
United States
United Kingdom

United States
United Kingdom

Australia and Russia are both up.

The United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, France and the Netherlands were all down.

The Ukraine, Brazil and Germany are back in the top 10.

Spain, Ireland and China have left the top 10.

I have also had visitors from the following countries: Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Czech Republic, Macedonia (FYROM), Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Lebanon, Bahrain, Iraq, India,  Nepal, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia,  Philippines, Algeria, Nigeria, South Africa, Mauritius, New Zealand, Mexico, Ecuador,  Peru, 

I hope you all visit again soon.
Mark Moncrieff

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Friday 9 February 2018

An Orphan at 47

Today my Mother died, thats why I haven't been active recently. Until last Saturday I lived with her but that day she went to hospital and now I don't. It's all pretty stark.

Mum was born in Melbourne, Australia on the 25th May 1940 as Western Europe was being overrun by the Germans. Fortunately the war was far away, but it still affected her. Her Father who she always adored went away to serve in the Australian Army in New Guinea. In civilian life he made eye glasses, today they are mass produced but that wasn't the case back then, in the army he did the same thing. But like many soldiers he got sick and Mum always told me of how when he came home his skin was gray like an elephants. While he never saw combat the war destroyed his health.

Meanwhile his Wife was left to look after three children, one boy and two girls. But we were very lucky, everyone who went away came home, some better for the experience and others worse off. She grew up in a working class area when Protestant and Catholic children weren't supposed to mix. However an independent streak that she would have all of her life was clear very early on. She not only mixed, she even went to both Protestant and Catholic church serves!

As a teenager she left school early as was common in those days and went to work. She worked for the famous department store, Myers. She was quite attractive, she even did fashion modeling for their catalogue. Having an independent streak wasn't always the best thing to have, however. She married at 15, because in 1955 when a girl got pregnant she also got married. In the next 6 years she had 5 children and life was tough. Money was scarce and her health wasn't too good. In time both situations improved. In 1970 I came along and then a year later another, now there were 7 of us.

In 1973 my parents separated and Mum, me and my younger brother went to live with my Step-Father. Something that is quite bizarre about that time was that young people moved out of home as quickly as possible. To leave home in your mid-teens was not that unusual. Most of my brothers and sisters did just that. They were together for 25 years, until he died and 20 years after his death they will be buried together in the same plot.

Mum wasn't an obedient wife, she had a fiery temper and a strong will. So when I was growing up and Feminists talked about how downtrodden women were I thought that doesn't describe my Mum at all. She had an attitude to Feminism that was quite common in her generation, Feminists were man hating idiots but not everything they said was wrong.

The most important thing in her life was her family and she made great sacrifices for us. She was always on our side against the world, even when we were wrong. She spent money on us that she really didn't have. She stayed up countless nights making curtains and linen and clothes, or cooking. You always knew you were loved. However it wasn't only the men in her life who ran into her fiery temper and strong will. She knew how to keep children in line and she had a great deal of common sense. She often told me that children don't lie, they say what they wish was true. For example when a vase is broken and the child tells you they didn't break it, what they are really saying is I wish I had not broken it.

She was a great communicator, she could talk to anyone, no matter their station in life. All my life I have gone shopping with her and all my life I noticed that I was by myself, why? Because when I looked back Mum was talking to someone I had never seen before. I would think to myself why don't I know that person? But after talking for 5 minutes, 10, 15, 20 minutes she would say "well I had better catch up to my son/s", I would ask "Who's that?" and she would reply "I don't know I've never met them before".  Random people would just stop and talk to her, it never happens to me. And that didn't include the people she knew, the regular customers, the shop assistants who would approach her both in the store and out on the street and tell her they had put items away for her because they knew she would like them.

In many ways Mum made me a Conservative, she wasn't religious, although she did believe in God. But she was Traditional. Family was everything, be part of your community, love your country, be proud of your heritage and she was a staunch Royalist. She voted Liberal when 80% of people in our area voted Labor, we lived in the strongest Labor seat in Australia. For decades she wouldn't tell me or anyone else who she voted for. In the last decade of her life she was so angry at the Liberal Party, she was always angry at the Labor Party. She used to tell me that if Grandfather, her Grandfather knew she voted Liberal he would be shocked as he was a loyal Labor man. But as I pointed out to her, the Labor Party he voted for sure isn't the Labor Party of today. 

Mum always had health problems, sometimes she would be in bed for weeks, sometimes months. But she hated Doctors and hospitals and thought they were incompetent, for her at least, and she wasn't afraid to tell Doctors what she thought of them either. But then her spell would end and she would be as busy as ever, we always complained that Mum tried to make up for the time she had been sick. In March 2017 she had another spell of inhealth. She was 76 and it was showing, she was frailer and she she didn't bounce back like she had done in the past. She spent from March 2017 to February 2018 in bed. With only a handful of days outside of the house. Mostly she could look after herself, but as time went on I did more and more, but the most important thing that I did was being here.

She knew she was sick and she knew it was serious but she refused to see a Doctor. I said to her that one day she would be so bad I would be forced to take her to Hospital. Two weekends ago we had very hot and humid weather, so bad we are still talking about it two weeks later. Her health went down, but to be fair everyone went done. Then we had about a week of nice cool days and I thought she would pick up but she didn't. Last Friday night, I told her that it was getting time for me to take her to Hospital, but she didn't want to go. I told her that if she seemed better on Saturday morning I wouldn't but if she was I would. The next day she was worse so I called a Doctor to visit the house, he told her she needed to go to the Hospital. She still didn't want to go but I told her she was going. The Doctor then called a non-urgent Ambulance which arrived about 40 minutes later and took her to Hospital.

The two of us and one of her Granddaughters spent the rest of the day in Emergency. They told us that she had cancer and that her liver was failing because of the cancer. Sunday morning she was taken to a ward and she seemed to be improving. Then on Tuesday the Ward Doctor told us that there was nothing medical that they could do and the best they could do was make her comfortable. It was clear to us that she was dying. I then spoke to a Senior Nurse and asked her how long she had left and she told me somewhere between a few hours and a few days. A few hours later I asked the rest of the family to leave so I could talk to her, she was still lucid but very weak and hard to hear. I asked her if she had understood what the Doctor had said? She replied "Yes, he said I could go home". I then told her "no he did not say that, what he said was that you would not be going home. And that they thought she only had a few days left." Telling my Mother that was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. She cried, I cried and that was the last time we spoke.  I thought I would get another chance but that wasn't to be. That last conversation was tender and beautiful and it hurt like hell.

After that she mostly slept and it was all about keeping her comfortable until she died. This morning at about 9am she died as I was getting dressed to go in and see her. I did go in and I did see her. The night before she died she had 17 visitors in her room at the same time. She was greatly loved and she will be greatly missed. She was not just my Mother, she was my friend, we were always close but because we lived together as adults we were as much friends as Mother and Son. We talked and watched movies together, we listened to music, looked after each other when we were sick, we argued and we had our own lives. Tonight I am writing this in the house and she's not here and everything has changed and it will never be like it was. There are much worse things in life then becoming an orphan at 47 years of age, maybe.

Upon Hope Blog - A Traditional Conservative Future
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Sunday 4 February 2018

Intelligence, Knowledge, Wisdom

It is such a common thing to hear, that education makes you smarter, I've probably said it myself. But what it does is to confuse three entirely separate things. They are:


The truth is that you will never be smarter than you are now, not if your an adult. If you are a child or a teenager then you might become smarter. Because intelligence is the mental power that your brain produces. To put it another way, you can never be more intelligent than your brain allows. Your intelligence is primarily biological with some environmental factors. If your parents were intelligent then you probably will also be intelligent. Whenever environmental factors are brought into a discussion on intelligence, it is to show how your brain can be made better. But most of those things are only temporary. Environmental factors that can be permanent are things such as neglect or malnutrition, things that destroy your brains ability to achieve it's potential. But if intelligence cannot be taught why should we go to school at all?

Because what we learn in school is knowledge and the more intelligent a person is the better they are at learning. When I say knowledge I also include skills, because skills are learnt, they are a form of knowledge. Knowledge lets us know about the world beyond ourselves and of course knowledge can be learnt outside of school as well as inside school. Without knowledge in all of it's forms we cannot operate in the world. But knowledge is not intelligence, knowing things does not make you intelligent but it does demonstrate that you have intelligence.

The third area is wisdom, wisdom is about knowing when and why to do things, another way to put it is good judgement. In many ways you could argue that wisdom is about understanding consequences. What will happen if this or that option is carried out, or not carried out. In other words what are the consequences? 

When schools and governments tell us that education can make us more intelligent, it shows that they lack wisdom.

When Liberals say that something that they support will not have consequences, it shows that they lack wisdom.

When Liberals understand that there will be consequences and they lie about it, it also shows that they lack wisdom.

Intelligence and knowledge are good things to possesses, but not enough. Without wisdom, the understanding that nothing is free, that all things have consequences, then it is all headed for disaster. Liberals of all persuasions believe that any method is acceptable in pursuit of their aims. To lie, cheat, misrepresent, to no platform, but how can it all work when they deny that any of this has consequences?

Because everything has consequences.

Upon Hope Blog - A Traditional Conservative Future
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