Monday 3 August 2020

Art and Some Further Thoughts - Melbourne Traditionalists Podcast - Episode Fifty Three

This weeks episode is on art, why it has gotten so bad and how we might be able to get it back on track. Today as I was thinking about putting the episode up here, I thought further on the subject. I wish I had had these thoughts when I was recording, but alas.

In the West, individualism has helped destroy art. It has taken the Artist and made him the most important piece of the art puzzle. The Artist is encouraged to look inward and to find his creativity, to explore his mind and emotion, to focus on himself and to project that into his art. While that can create art, the human mind is a closed system and therefore we focus on the small and insignificant. It is akin to being in a hall of mirrors, the mirrors show something real, however everything is distorted. This distortion destroys reality, in it's place it create's a false reality. Which endlessly repeats. It gives the illusion that things are unlimited, in fact the exact opposite is true. 

Only by looking outside of the Artist can great art be achieved. The world is where beauty and glory reside and all great art requires beauty and glory. Art should awe us, it should make us wonder how this could ever be achieved by a mere mortal. That cannot be achieved through navel gazing, it can only be achieved by looking outwards, in finding inspiration in things that are greater than the Artist. 

To find out my much fuller thoughts on the subject please have a listen, I think this is pretty good!

Length: 28 minutes

Click on the link and enjoy!


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  1. Sounds good. Whilst on the topic of questionable art:

  2. In Tolstoy’s ‘What is Art’? (1896) he is concerned about the nature and purpose of art, describing how art can express moral values. Tolstoy does not define art in terms of its ability to express form and beauty, but instead defines art in terms of its ability to communicate concepts of morality. For Tolstoy, aesthetic values are defined by moral values. Tolstoy criticizes the belief that art is only relevant to a particular class of society, saying that this is a misconception which can lead to obscurity and decadence in art.
    But maybe the true artist is one who wants to make clear something to the extent you are effected by that- you have feelings about it as in an emotional experience. I agree with your sentiment but you might like to take a more in depth look at Tolstoy’s view, albeit it was from a different era.
    Finally I think I can agree that art is where you be emotionally engaged for the better.
