Thursday 4 October 2018

Doers and Thinkers

Why doesn't the truth of our message spread quicker? Why do people keep returning to the same ways of thinking, even when logic and experience should move them along? Why are so many people still asleep to the crisis of our Civilization, even when they can feel that something is wrong?

I have been contemplating this for quite some time and then I realised that I was doing something that they were not doing, contemplating. In other words I was thinking, I was a thinker. But most people are not thinkers, instead they are doers. They get up and go to work, they see sporting fixtures, they study, they feed babies. They don't think about why they do what they do they simply do it. I'm very glad people feed babies instead of thinking about it!

It's true that many things need to be done and the doers are a very important part of society, without them society would fail. But it must be pointed out that even drunks are doers, not everything that is done needs to be done. Just as not ever thought needs to thought.

Many doers would point out that they think, but what they do is wonder. They ask questions that they don't really seek answers for. But thinking, real thinking is painful, the answers change the colour of your world, it often makes you feel like you are drowning under the weight of the answer. Doers rarely let that happen to them, their smarter than that. Thinkers are often smart enough to think of a problem, but they are not always smart enough to come up with a solution. Thinkers often get burnt out and become doers.

Doers let other people do their thinking for them, we all let other people think for us, because thinking is hard. And the reality is that we cannot afford the luxury of thinking for ourselves on ever issue all the time. The real world demands attention. So we must let others bear the load. In the past Churches, Trade Unions, local dignitaries did our thinking for us and if it was good enough for them then it was good enough for us. Today many people let the media do their thinking for them and because they are not thinkers they do not see the problem.

Thinkers can lead themselves into mental quagmires, something that doers rarely do. For them the world is binary, divided into two parts, the part they live and experience and the world that is presented to them. That means that they can reject either their own experiences, which many do, or that they can reject the way the world is presented to them. And once that opinion is formed it is really hard to budge, but not impossible.

That is why Liberalism will not allow certain people or ideas to gain any publicity. People might start letting the wrong thinkers do their thinking for them. Which is why we need to keep pushing!

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The extent to which people are unknowingly/unreflectively influenced by others is grossly underestimated. We like to pretend that we've come to our conclusions based on evidence and informed opinion, but that's B.S (mostly).

    We are influenced by what we are exposed to - period. Yes, we can reject a minority of things we are exposed to based on previous experience and reflection, but we pretend we do this much more than we actually do.

    We are a blank slate and we are mostly not in control of the quill. We don't realise this because of our myth of 'free will', which is a lie, but a lie nearly everyone in the West believes in.

    1. ImmigrationFacts

      If you have no free will what force compelled you to comment?

      Mark Moncrieff

    2. perhaps, an 'unfree' will? why must it be free - why not partially or full determined?

      I don't like analytical philosophy because it's generally pointless, but in this case, using Ockham's Razor, can't I just say 'something compelled me' or 'there was some psychological need that was fulfilled by me writing'?

      Does a thought come when I will it? Or does a thought come when it does and I may (or may not) reflect on it?

      You don't need 'free will' to explain human behaviour. We are animals afterall. And I'd argue that the concept of free will leads to an erroneous understanding of human behaviour.

      Some cultures don't have the concept of free will as we understand it and they function just fine.
