Friday 22 December 2017

Liberalism is a Christian Heresy

All Political Philosophies are Western philosophies. Non come from any other Civilization, they are all Western.

Communism, Nazism, Socialism, Fascism and of course Liberalism.

Thats not a complete list, but you get the idea, all came from Western Civilization, all invented by White men. Even the only political philosophy to expressly focus on women, Feminism, was invented by White men. Why should this be so concentrated?

The answer is that while Christianity has been popular amongst many different peoples, it was the European peoples who took Christianity as their exclusive religion. Meaning that while Christianity existed in other parts of the world, it was never the only religion around. In Europe it was, it had no rivals. Certainly Judaism existed but it was not a rival. In the Islamic world there existed large populations that were not Muslim. In 600AD Egypt was Christian, today it is still 10% Christian, sometime between then and now it went from close to 100% to 10%. In Europe nothing like that existed at all.

So intellectual conflict was between Christians, not between thinkers of different religions. In time that helped lead to the Reformation and the creation of the Protestant faiths. Here comes something even stranger, not only are all of the Political Philosophies Christian but they are all Protestant. Non of them originate in Catholic countries, not even France, although they are influenced by Catholic thinkers.

The reason they are Protestant is because of the idea of personal salvation, that each person has a personal relationship with God. The Catholic Church said that that was too much to put on peoples shoulders, they needed help because if they didn't have that help people would fail. Priests helped by performing complex rituals, monks and nuns with constant prayers, Bishops and Popes to administrate it all and Saints to intercede on behalf of people. Protestants did not accept those claims at all. They argued that Christians should have guidelines on what to do and the best guide was the Bible, not men.

For many these ideas were liberating, for many these ideas were terrifying. Just you and God, the creator of the Universe, having a chat. But taken to it's logical conclusion, why have any Churches, or in fact any religious authority? If man is free to make his own choices in life without being told what to do by the Catholic Church, why should he be unfree? Why should he pay taxes, or be conscripted or serve his feudal Lord or King? He should only serve himself and God. After all now that he has a personal relationship with God, God should tell him directly what he should serve and if not then he shouldn't.

Some did take things to there logical conclusion and it normally ended in violence, but not always. Examples of groups who took on many of these ideas are the Quakers and the Amish. Now you will have noticed that most Protestant groups are not like them, thats because they rejected the logical conclusion and put in place exceptions. They did not want to go that far, as most who did did not survive. But those ideas have never gone away.

Within the Protestant faiths when a religious difference came about, people would start their own church. Sometimes within the same faith, but increasingly as time went on they would form their own church. Particularly within the English speaking world. This fed into that idea that in this world you were on your own, that you could not trust others to do your thinking for you. You could not rely on others to look after you either, success was about you and your abilities and talents. And success showed how favoured you were by God, because God wouldn't let just anyone succeed.

The old ways could not be trusted, new ideas and techniques were valued, the old ways were either Catholic or Feudal. Reject the old and focus on the new. Reject the traditional hierarchy and be prepared to find new ways of doing things. They came to favour money over land and freedom over obligations. They served God first, then themselves and any other authority was third.

Some of you may point out that this does not describe the Church of England for example, but actually it does. While it was hierarchical and much more traditional and conservative than other Protestant faiths. It still included many of these ideas within it, non of the Protestant faiths escaped from them.

Over time ideas that were totally Christian came to separate from Christianity and take on a life of their own in the secular world. That separation was due to Protestantism. Ideas such the idea that we are all equal before God, left religion and took on a life of their own. Now we are told that all people are equal, with God no were to be seen. We are told that trade and money are all important, that we are in effect economic men. That comes from the idea that we are all in this world alone with only God and we know that we are blessed by God if we become successful, now God has been removed. 
On and on it goes, with Christian ideas being secularized, God is removed and denied. But the strange thing is that this isn't just Liberalism, in fact all of the Political Philosophies also come from Protestantism. Every single one is a Christian heresy!

No exceptions, they all start as Christian ideas, then they separated and then they were corrupted. The origin often denied by both supporters and enemies as being far too embarrassing. But these ideas didn't come from out of the air, they came from the Bible, like all Christian heresies.

I recently read the line "Heresy was born of the itch for something new.", I wrote about this when I wrote about novelty. Once these ideas left Christianity and then denied there origin they became heresies. Because they set themselves up as rivals to Christianity. For so long they operated within Christianity that they seemed like they were not rivals, but not everyone accepted that. Now the great question is, will Christianity survive these heresies?

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  1. Mark -

    That was a very broad brush with which you just painted many people. Unfortunately, you must not have had any paint, since little of what you wrote sticks.

    I understand the "pro-catholic" view - having myself been a Catholic who defected to Confessional Lutheranism. And I have been subject to the usual, and usually uninformed critics who have called us protestants, which we are most definitely not. Rare are the times I have read such a wide smear as yours, save for way back when I glanced at a few Tan books.

    Invest in the price of a Book of Concord - -

    Learn to make some necessary distinctions.

    It is strange, is it not, that a great many of the RCC are political liberals - as voters, and as politicians who side with the molochians?

    You should have thought this post through a little more.

    Rev. Jeffrey Baxter
    Houston, TX

    1. Reverend Baxter

      Firstly let me state that this not a pro-Catholic post. The Catholic Church has many problems, not the least of which was forcing the conditions that lead to the Reformation. But my post was not about that, so I did not address it.

      Secondly, to object to the term Protestant in 2017 is about five centuries too late. Whether fair or not that ship has sailed.

      Thirdly are you seriously going to pretend that the Luther Church is not infected with Liberalism? Really?

      Mark Moncrieff

    2. Mark -

      Just call me Jeff.

      Okay - I will go with your first point, although I have spent much of my life having to defend against Catholic detractors who had little theological education but "knew it all" anyway.

      No - I am not 500 years too late. True, it is common to be lumped in with the calvinists and other sects that arose at that time, but Confessional Lutherans were about reformation, not protest. We are of the Church catholic.

      Your third point - Confessional Lutherans are all over the world, and are not compromised by liberalism. It is true, it is an ever-present threat - but that is true about most anything, is it not?

      I would again suggest you purchase the Book of Concord - it is quite a read, and shows clearly why I am not a "protestant."

      Merry Christmass to you and yours -


    3. Jeff

      While accept that the break with Rome was about reformation not protest, the accepted term is to call such people, Protestants. I'm not about to stop that, nor am I going to pretend that it is insulting or in some other way demeaning.

      If you think that Confessional Lutherans are not compromised by Liberalism you may be wrong. How many do you know who are divorced? How many believe in all people being equal? How many think that women should work even when they do not need the money to survive? These things are Liberalism, are they absent from your church?

      And Merry Christmas to you as well.

      Mark Moncrieff

  2. " If man is free to make his own choices in life without being told what to do by the Catholic Church, why should he be unfree? Why should he pay taxes, or be conscripted or serve his feudal Lord or King? He should only serve himself and God. "

    This is what the German princes asked Luther and Martin told them to go enforce the laws of the temporal realm.
