Monday 7 October 2024

50 More Movies For Traditionalists To Watch 51-100

I had about half of this written and thought I might finish it and put it up, enjoy.

1. Northwest Passage (1940) War

Based on a real event in the Seven Years War in North America. American soldiers raid an Indian village that has been raiding them. Really shows the hardship and brutality that happened. Even though this movie was made in 1940, it always make me think of the Chindits in Burma in 1943-44. 

2. In Which We Serve (1942) War

This was made as a propaganda movie and should not be as good as it is. The acting, writing, direction and plot are all first rate. A war movie that can be watched by anyone who can sit still.

3. The Cruel Sea (1953) War

While this is based upon a novel, the author served and did this type of war service. This might possibly be the best movie about war at sea ever. I really think it's that good. 

4. Khartoum (1966) Drama TS

General Gordan is sent to the Sudan to end a revolt and is killed. A good historical story, a little slow and stilted by todays standards but still solid. 

5. Monty Pythons The Life of Brian (1979) Comedy

It is really is as good as it's reputation, full of classic lines and very funny. What many people miss is how this is much more about politics then religion, religion is simply the vehicle.

6. Blackadder (1982)

There are four seasons, each set in a different period, the one linked above is set in Medieval times, the second in the 1500;s, the third around 1800 and the fourth in the trenches of the First World War. This series is some of the best British comedy that there is. If you haven't seen this check it out.

7. This Is Spinal Tap (1984) Comedy

The first Mockumentary, whereby a movie tries to look like a documentary but is instead a satire. This movie is famous for a reason, very understated but hilarious. 

8. Glory (1989) War

Excellent movie about the first black regiment raised in the North during the American Civil War. My only criticism is that it tries to include the story of other black troops and it clouds the story. For example every black soldier in the regiment could read and were freemen, but the movie shows them differently.

9. Black Robe (1991) Historical

A French priest goes to the wilds of Canada in the 1600's to convert the Indians. While this is based upon a novel it is very accurate with a sympathetic but unromantic view of traditional Indian life.

10. Assault at West Point (1994) Crime Drama

A black cadet at West Point is found tied up and is court martialed . The movie follows the trial and has an interesting view of race relations. It is very liberal in it's viewpoint but I would look at what is shown and it shows some things that you might not expect. 

11. Operation Dumbo Drop (1995) Comedy

A silly movie about elephants, aeroplanes and the Vietnam War. Based on a true story but 95% Hollywood. A good dumb movie. 

12. Star Trek: Fist Contact (1996) Sci Fi

The best Star Trek movie with the best villains The Borg. 

13. The Ghost and the Darkness (1996) Adventure

This is a very underrated movie, a railway is being built in Africa and two maneating lions attack and this is about the efforts to hunt them down. Loosely based on a true story. The lines in the movie really stand out. 

14. L.A. Confidential (1997) Crime Drama

Corruption isn't just about money, while violent this is also a philosophical movie with quite a few twists and turns.

15. Mrs Brown (1997) Historical

Queen Victoria has a new man servant by the name of Mr. Brown, this is about their relationship. 

16. The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) Drama 

What starts out as a story about a social climber becomes so much more.

17. Uprising (2001)  War

A made for TV movie that is better than you might expect. It tells the story of uprising of the Jewish ghetto in Warsaw in 1943. 

18. War Photographer (2001) Documentary

This documents the work of James Nachtwey as he photographs war. Can be quite graphic.

19. Spiderman (2002) Superhero

This is in my opinion the best of the Spiderman movies and I think it works because it stays true to his origin story while also adding just enough to keep it fresh.

20. Hellboy (2004) Superhero

There are things that go bump in the night and these guys are the ones who bump back. I like the first half better than the second but the first half I really like. 

21. The Incredibles (2004) Animation

Superheroes exist but are illegal. 

22. Team America: World Police (2004) Comedy

If you don't like sex, swearing or violence then this movie is not for you. While it is gross and over the top it has a great message and is hilarious. 

23. Batman Begins (2005) Superhero

The first of the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy, a movie that has no right to be this good. Highly recommended.

24. Miss Potter (2006) Biographical TS

A good movie to watch with the wife or girlfriend. A look at the author of the Peter Rabbit books with some fantastical flourishes. 

25. United 93 (2006) Drama TS

A very underrated movie on how the passengers and crew fought back against the hijackers on their flight on 9/11. A slow burn that reaches a crescendo.  

26. 30Rock (2006) Comedy Series

I must confess that I have not seen every episode but the ones that I have seen I liked. It is both inmature and has mature themes so if that's not your thing beware.

27. Into The Wild (2007) Drama TS

Young man goes into the wild to test himself and things don't go well. A contemplative movie.

28. Burn After Reading (2008) Comedy

A Coen Brothers movie in which everyone is unlikeable but what happens to them is entertaining. Swearing, implied sex with some graphic violence.

29. Starship Troopers 3: Marauder (2008) Sci-Fi War

A trashy movie that is good fun and has some surprising takes.

30. Passchendaele (2008) War Drama

Set in both Canada and the Western Front during WWI, while this not a bad movie, at some points it is really good at bringing out the feeling of the period. I really wish it was better as it had the potential to be really good.

31. The Dark Knight (2008)

Batman, what can I say, it's good.

32. Julie & Julia (2009)

One to watch with the wife or girlfriend. A women decides to cook all the recipes in Julia Childs cookbook. This is also a look at Julia Childs life. 

33. Hugo (2011) Drama/Children

A movie that I find hard to pigeonhole, it is about a young boy and an old man and the early history of filmmaking, but it nearly all takes place in a train station. Most suitable for older children.  

34. Too Big To Fail (2011)

A movies that tries to explain the 2007 Global Financial Crisis and doesn't do that bad of a job. Unfortunately they made the US Treasury out to be the good guys when they were as guilty as anyone. 

35. The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Superhero

Batman has been my favourite superhero since I was 4 and I was very happy with the Dark Knight series.

36. Game Change (2012) Political Drama TS

A look at John McCain's Presidential campaign in 2008 and his selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate. It must be kept in mind that this is based off of a book and that it's take might be more impressionistic than correct. Having said that I thought it gave an interesting insight. 

37. Gravity (2013) Sci Fi

The space shuttle has an accident and a women  must find a way to get back to Earth. It looks fantasical and I liked the story.

38. American Sniper (2014) War

A character study of a SEAL sniper in the Iraq War. Violent, confronting but never patronising.  

39. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) Sci-Fi

This one was very surprising, funny with great special effects.

40. Wolf Hall (2015) Historical Drama

Based on the award winning novels this series in slow and brilliant. The acting, the writing, in fact I cannot think of a single thing that I do not like about this nearly 6 hour long series.  

41. Silence (2016) Historical Drama

Made from a novel which is based upon real historical events. Long, at times hard to watch, but I found it quite moving. Two Priests go to Japan where Christianity is outlawed and their faith in God, man and themselves are tested.

42. Zoolander 2 (2016) Comedy

This movie is stupid, but in a good way. If you liked the original Zoolander then you might like this, it's not as good but it's fun.

43. The Vietnam War (2017) Documentary 

A Ken Burns documentary series that is 16 1/2 hours long in 10 episodes. While I have some issues with the series, most minor, however the detail and coverage is very impressive. Very focused on America even though it does try to do justice to both North and South Vietnam. 

44. I, Tonya (2017) Drama TS

A story about violence and figure skaters, not a subject that you would think go today, because they aren't supposed to. A good portrayal of the incident and the events surrounding it.

45. Incredibles 2 (2018) Animation

Superheroes and their troubles.

46. Kursk: The Last Mission (2018) Drama TS

A Russian submarine sinks and the efforts to find out if anyone has survived. A sad story. 

47. 7 Days in Entebbe (2018) Drama

Terrorists highjack a plane and take it to Entebbe airport in Uganda and Israel sents troops to get them out. 

48. Country Music (2019) Documentary

Another Ken Burns documentary series, 16 hours long in 8 episodes. I thought this was excellent, if your interested in American country music this is as good as it gets. 

49. Glass (2019) Superheroes

M. Night Shyamalan has a mixed record, but his superhero series is a look at how they would exist without us noticing them. This is better if you have seen the other movies in the series. 

50. The Spy (2019) Drama TS

A women spies for Sweden during WWII, a little slow but still interesting.